Category: Blog

  • Consquiences of Unevenly Yoke Meaning

    Recently a friend of mine met her daughter’s boyfriend. I was disappointed to her that this god fearly young lady was dating a non-born again, saved believer. Many of us do not listen when the Bible tells us to not be unevenly yoked. People are stuck with knowing the truth but not wanting to hear…

  • Trip Back Home and Reflection

    On my way to Rochester from Austin. I am going home to visit my family and do a book tour. My book is popular or known in Africa but not much in the US. When I look out over the clouds, I realize and awesome in awe of God’s creation around me. We live on…

  • Proverbs 31 Woman

    This morning, I was reading about King David in the scriptures, and I had prayed what to write about in my blog post. Well yesterday, after a night of insomnia, it appeared I had concluded I was not molded to be a good wife. Upon waking up I realized yes, I was. I just was…

  • Study on Matthew 24

    Signs and times at the end of the ages “1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. 2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be…

  • Bob Joyce, Elvis Alive, deception? If this can trick us WE ARE ready for the antichrist!

    One might wonder why I am writing on this and how does it pretain to the last days and Christ. Well, in the last days leading up to the rapture there will be great deception, and rampant deception afterwards. Many will not know what to believe or if they can trust their eyes. A man…

  • Keep pressing on

    Are you stumped when chatting about Jesus? Many times, I have heard from people that they won’t go to church because it was used as a punishment, or things taught to them at church were about punishments. I never am able to relate to these stories because there was many times God was taught to…

  • An Excerpt : A Near-Death Vision.

    While advertising for my book tour. I decided to put some excerpts from my book in my event pages. I have not decided on what to read about during this tour but did decide to give the audience a picture in the book’s text. When posting about this latest excerpt, I wanted to say many…

  • 1st known Angel Encounter

    One part of my book, I talk about an angel encounter. We must not focus on the Angel but the words that the angel spoke were words of God.” One day I learned that I had lost yet another baby. This was my seventh miscarriage, from a man I adored from work. He was unavailable…

  • Are Grandparents Important

    One part of my book, I talk some of my grandpa. I only remember a few things. However, I remember the love I had for my grandpa and step grandma. One exerts from my book is, “One day Vivian and Ethel got in a fight and Ethel packs up our belongings, leaving with her panties…

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