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Many times, I have heard from people that they won’t go to church because it was used as a punishment, or things taught to them at church were about punishments. I never am able to relate to these stories because there was many times God was taught to me as their all powerful being up in the sky to punish me when I did wrong.

I now know that God is also the benevolent loving being that loves us so unconditionally that he sent, his only begotten son that who so ever believes in him will not parish but have everlasting, life, “John 3:16.

I know God as both. One excerpt from my book is, “Once Mrs. Peabody took me to a relative of hers and she told me to ask my mom ahead of time. I remember going home and asking my mom. I went over to my house, through our alleyway, skipping up the stairs. Walking up the steps, I could hear my mom talking to someone, and wondered who was there. When I arrived in the kitchen, which was our entrance, no one was there. Mom was arguing with the imaginary people she sometimes argued with at that time. She was spurting, complaining, yelling, and slamming the cupboards. I asked her, “Mommy, who are you talking to?” She replied, “No one hon,” just remember something.” I asked her if I could go with Mrs. Peabody, and she said yes. Well, I also asked, “Will you remember me asking?” She said,” yes.” I have got to go with Mrs. Peabody.  I told her my mom said I could go, so off we went. When we got home, I skipped home excitedly to tell my mom about our day. When I walked in, my mom started screaming at me. She went ballistic; she spanked me so hard that I still as an adult remember the pain. I was screaming,” I told you I was going. “She was yelling, “Do not ever run off on me again.” She was also screaming, “I looked everywhere for you. Stating that she had called in from work. I went to all your old cronies, and they didn’t know where you were. I thought you were dead.” While I was crying, “I am sorry Mommy, I came and asked you, don’t you remember? I told you I went with Mrs. Peabody.” I was sobbing, unable to contain my tears. They were streaming down my face. Then she took me by my hand and started washing my mouth with soap to lie. However, I was not. I started crying, “Please, Mom, not the soap. I am not lying, I told you. “Don’t you remember” as I repeated it many times.” Never Forsaken God Delivered Me From Hopeless Situations.” by Sherry States.

Crying harder each time, she then put the bar of soap in my mouth and told me “How God does not like a liar and how bad girls go to hell.”

I use this excerpt to in this blog to show that is not an accuse for not going to church or have a relationship with Christ. It is a cop out. Many of us live lives of where we seemed to be abused and God was blamed.

Another thing they say, “If God is a loving God, “Why does he let bad things happen to good people.” I have never thought of an answer to this until recently, while watching a TikTok video, I heard an evangelist answer this question and it seemed very Biblical and correct. He said, “God gives us free choice to sin or not sin. To do good or to do evil. Each has the same gift. It is that people have the free will to do evil things.

I spent my life with many times being mistreated, abused, raped, molested, abusive marriages, and moving about twice a year. Always being the new kid. Therefore, being bullied most of the time. These experiences made me who I am. I learned and grew from both good and bad experiences in life. Also, there are so many lessons we learn from both experiences. Even though we tend to remember the bad experiences over the good ones.

We live in a broken and corrupt world that became this way when the fall occurred. It will only increasingly get worst until Jesus comes back and makes all things right. So, in the meantime, we as Christians are to uplift each other, pray for each other, encourage one another, and do the great commission.

Many times, these negative comments to us Christians led us with a blankness as what to answer. Then we walked away feeling we had failed at our job. However, God gives us what we need to say when we need to say it. Maybe that person isn’t ready to hear the answer to those questions. Or maybe it isn’t the time they are going to hear Jesus knocking.

Rest assured, Jesus will keep sending more messengers to the person and maybe just maybe our little watering or planting of the seed was more effective than we will ever know. SO, keep speaking boldly the truth and keeping pressing towards that high calling of Christ.

My next upcoming event is in Lake Travis, Texas. Read more at

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