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Bob Joyce, Elvis Alive, deception? If this can trick us WE ARE ready for the antichrist!

One might wonder why I am writing on this and how does it pretain to the last days and Christ. Well, in the last days leading up to the rapture there will be great deception, and rampant deception afterwards. Many will not know what to believe or if they can trust their eyes.
A man in Benton, Arknasas has had a lot of talk about him and many claim he is a preacher who is also Elvis. He sounds uncannily like the King of Rock n Roll. However, Elvis died August 16, 1977. Right?
I am not sure now if it is so. While still undecided as if this pastor in Arknsas could actually be Elvis, I did a lot of digging and research. I always believed he did die in 1977. However after hearing this man preach and sing, and I watched hours of his sermon. I am not convinced he is not Elvis, mannerisms, and referrences to Elvis’s life is all through his sermons.
It is well known fact, Elvis loved Jesus, Gosspel music, and singing. There are many things that are unknown fact.
Watch Bob Joyce sing How Great Thou Art. This is what started me down the great rabbit trail of this conspiracy. Click the picture

Now I seemed to have to know the truth. Every night up until two am and running down the rabbit hole. I read most the responses to posts mainly more people believe he is than he is not. I watched countless videos and tik tok’s about it.
Many claiming this man has Elvis’ crooked pinkies, a chicken pox scar over his eyebrow, and a scar on the side of his face like Elvis. Well I have a chicken pox scar over my left eye and I am not Elvis. Still not convinced he isn’t though.
Next started watching his sermons and watching the evidence, video after video, wondering if I am being dupped or has all America been dupped
I even joined a chat forum on Youtube that I was asked to leave because I said, if this man is Elvis and lying than he needs to be careful because lying is a sin. Oh you think I was coming against Jesus. I mentioned that one of the videos was this guy claiming he was “born Bob Joyce, and has always been me and has never been anyone else but me, and I will die me”. This to me is a vague statement not really denying anything.
People flock all over the world to come to his little church in Benton, Arknasas. He shakes each person’s hand and afterwards signs autographs and sells his CD’s of gosspel music. Many songs the same as Elvis sang. This I know because I did own all of Elvis’ gosspel albums growing up.
Things still did not add up and I spent 4 hours watching a series about the time before the tribulation when great deception was going to happen. It was awesome. In tribulatoion, Revelation 13 descripes a beast rising up with two heads and one head has a wound. So, the false prophet is going to kill the antichrist and he will someone through magic and deception appear to be resurrected. Well this story shows the powers to be have the ability to pull such stunts.
So, where am I going with this you might ask. I am going to tell you of my research and what I did to arrive at my conculsion and show you how it ties in with the signs of the times.
We have grown complacant with our pastors, churchs, and others. As Christians we are to hold others accountable while encouraging and uplifting them. Neither of these two things are easy to do. Our flesh fights against both.
So, my comment with the forum about Pastor Bob Joyce coming clean is I believed he would not deceive people and say he was not Elvis if he was not for then he would be being deceptive to his congregation. I was shot down as judging and all kinds of things but people don’t like to hear the truth.
You might ask, what is the truth. How do we know in a world where things are sometimes big illusions, which is where I will be showing the next part of the rabbit hole.
I found a Facebook Page, Ref #1 Scroll down to Richard Carson, June 20. This one will have 59 comments, open all of them. There is a certain person trying to convince a nay sayer about some things. The revelation is mind blowing. Here are some of the pictures found in these replies

Okay, what am I looking at you might say? Well, this man’s story is that there is 4 brothers that have all appeared as the person we think is Elvis. The house one is mentioned of Elvis and Jesse in the front and Anthony and Johnnie upstairs peeking out the door.
Now most of us believed Elvis to have beautiful blue eyes, however, Bob Joyce has brown eyes. This man claims Bob Joyce is all 4 and all 4 are Elvis.
Futhermore, Elvis’ manager was a carnival manager so now things are starting to make sense. He worked Elvis hard and he was used to fooling people before their eyes. That is what the carnivals and circus’s are greatly known to do.
The man telling this lady the story, goes on to say that there was 4 brothers, no twin death, and that Vernon was actually Elvis’s uncle not his father and their father had run off.
The light bulb was finally coming on. It made so much sense because Pastor Bob has many different features than Elvis too but a lot of similarities. I must share more pictures this man shared in referrence to Bob Joyce. He claims there all 4 Elvis’ are also all 4 Bob Joyce’s. Here are some of those photos. The last one will be of Bob Joyce’s ear. Please pay attention to the ear.

All four photos are to represent different people claiming to be the sme person. Now Bob Joyce’s website says he is Robert Wayne Joyce born in 1952. Which would make him about 17 years Elvis’ junior unless there was another Robert Wayne Joyce, which I have seen the pictures and I believe there is. WOW what a story! Not sure how true but it is a whopper.
The next morning, I went to the man’s X page and I found even more photos. Referrence #2 Scroll on his page and there are even videos of what I believe are personators or maybe they are all these guys above. There are are more pictures on his X’s page. I was not allowed to upload one here showing a very big height decrepency in brothers.
The photo showed Elvis standing next to Vernon, quite a bit smaller, standing at 5’8″ and Jessee Standing next to Vernon right about the same height at 6’1″. I wish I could of uploaded it. It shows an undoctered photo of clearly two different men that look almost identical except for height. The picture below was also taken from this man’s page.
He claimed that Elvis was very shy and did not like to be in front of the audience; whereas, Jessee loved the audience. I am not sure how this guy knew so much about this

Another picture that was uploaded from the man’s posts on FB was this one. The story with this next picture is that many people in the music and movie industry know of the cover up and the all the 4 Elvis’. The picture was to show all the people that the post had @ signs with that this person was talking with that knew of the situation.

So, I decided to see if the photos might have been messed with. I found a pinerest page which I downloaded the next group of photos from. Referrence # 4
I must note, I have only given a few referrences. I have done extensive research over 14 nights and found many sites and stories. I have read almost every post from people on the sites to try to grasp my head around this. Later, I hope to tie all this together with the deception of the last days.
Here are pictures of what appears to be 4 different men. I have put the pictures in order and name by the ear shape of the picture on the top. Yes the ears are that different.
Jesse based on eye color and ears

Elvis Green Eyes

Johnny appears to have a light brown or hazel eye

Lastly would be the Tony from above picture of the 4 Presleys. He had the piercing beautiful blue eyes that we all seem to remember of Elvis.

So, none of these photos have been doctored to my knowledge and while I can not prove that I cracked the case, I do believe I did.
Tie in
I pat myself on the back for being aware and my ability to dig out the truth. However, for 40 odd years, I never thought in a million years that Elvis did not die that day. Now I am not so convinced. The last days the Bible mentions in Matthew that the sign of the end would be the fig tree blooming. This is in reference to Israel becoming a nation again. In 70 AD the temple was destroyed and the nation of Israel seized to not exist anymore. Israel would become a nation and then we would see a group of signs that would led up to the tribulation period. One of these signs is deception. While many believe that deception is relatively new, I say it is not. If a carnival man and 4 young men can dup a whole nation with such easy to see evidence their were multiple then it will be even easier for the elite to deceive the masses after the rapture.
Found some pictures to show two of Elvis’s heights difference next to his father. Who after all this research, I am not sure was his father.

This story is very old story. A conspiracy theory of sorts. But you can see these are not the same height Elvis’. below more pictures, when you blow them up each Elvis actually look different. Interesting information.

I love the truth. It was in years and years of listening to lies I learned how my dad was. My mom always told me to listen closely because the lies always get found out later. If interested in knowing more about me please check out the website links below.
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