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Consquiences of Unevenly Yoke Meaning

Recently a friend of mine met her daughter’s boyfriend. I was disappointed to her that this god fearly young lady was dating a non-born again, saved believer. Many of us do not listen when the Bible tells us to not be unevenly yoked. People are stuck with knowing the truth but not wanting to hear the truth.
The truth of the matter, the Bible is the “Book of Instructions Before Leaving Earth”. It is called this because it is our blueprint of how to live a righteous life. We are not righteous without Jesus as our intermediator. 1 Timothy 2:5, NJV “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus”.
John 3:3 KJV
We need Jesus to be righteous and we need to accept him as our lord and savior. It is not even to say, “I go to church”, “I was raised a Christian”. We must be born again to enter heaven. Jesus tells us this in, John 3:3 KJV “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
This is the most important aspect someone should look for when looking for a Christian partner.
If they are not saved, then we should not even entertain dating them. They will not have the same moral outlook on you, and they WILL drag you down to their level. It is not their fault, really.
They do not follow the Bible, and they do not see a need to. Once saved, a conversion takes place and if they do fall back into sin for a while, Jesus will convict them, and they will repent. They may do this repeatedly but at least they try to live a life according to Jesus and try to represent him in a Christian life.
Without salvation, they don’t see their errors of their ways or a reason to change their behavior. Now let us talk about someone who has children. They are exposing their children to this behavior. They are showing their children who to marry when they grow up.
I know if I had looked at that before I fell into unevenly yoked relationships, I might not have entered them. Our children pay the consequences of our sins as well as we do.
Consquences of a Disobient heart
I actually married two men believing both were saved, only to find out that neither were saved. One I got an annulment after 3 weeks the other a divorce after 5 years.
Only after many years, I believe 8 or 9 years did I even date another. He came to my church and the dates were very Christian style dates, but he was not ready for a relationship with me, and I miss read the signs. I have not dated since.
I have met a couple genuinely nice men. One who might be saved but struggles with alcoholic addiction. He is out because I too suffer from that addiction, and I cannot allow alcohol to ever again come into my house and life. He is out.
The other is a sweet man, whose wife left him after 30 yrs of marriage. He was raised Catholic, and I do not believe he is saved. While he is a nice man it appears, it would be a total mistake to date him.
We seem to overlook their sins because of our wicked heart and emotions. While some consider discernment as “judging”, it is not. For God tells us when we are looking for friends, business, and spouses to not be unevenly yoked. 2 Corinthians 6:14 KJV
14 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”
Psalms 1: 1-6 “1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish”
This tells us they are ignorant of God’s way. We do not even think like them once we become saved.
I worry about what the next generation will be like. Shows on TV show unrighteousness as a way of life and not as sin. Schools do not allow Christians to act like Christians and to stand up for Biblical principles.
Our government officials are corrupt, our schools are tainted with witchcraft, anti-family principals, allowing total depravity to exist. When I was young, dating was hard, and I did not find an evenly yoked man but why would I. I was not acting like a true Christian.
After numerous rapes and molestation throughout my life, and coming from a lukewarm environment on Christian living, I blamed God. As so many do but it was not God that put the drinks in my hand. It was not God who made me go to the parties. It was my own choice to be in those atmospheres. I want to blame someone but me.
Truth of the matter is, I was not ignorant, I knew my Bible, I just was not in the word every day, I was not living like a Christian. I was out sinning on Saturday night and then going to church still drunk from the night before. Why would any saved man in church have anything to do with me? My walk was not equal to my talk. Yes, it was me making those decisions to live a life unevenly yoked from my soul.
Our children of the next generation must be shown the proper way to live through our actions not just our words. We need to live for Christ as a representative in all aspects of our life. When we mix with unevenly yoked others than we are trying to mix light with darkness.
Luke 12:2-3, John 1:5-9, and 2 Corinthians 6:14
We know that the Bible says this is wrong, Luke 12:2-3: “For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light”. John 1:5-9: “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not”. 2 Corinthians 6:14: “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?”
1st Marriage
I am grateful for my son and if I had not married my first husband, I would not have had him. He has been my biggest blessing. However, his father pretended to come to the Lord for his marriage. Then had an affair with a woman in the choir at one of the churches. He later confessed to my son that salvation was a lie.
He never showed a heart of repentance and thought it was okay to do the things he was doing that defiled our marriage. So, I do not regret marrying him because he gave me my son. However, I admit that it was wrong and caused so much damage to my marriage. Therefore, we should take heed to what the Bible says in all things.
Saved from Dangerous Marriage
My second husband, who I got an annulment, said he was saved but was not and locked me up and would not let me out unless he was going out. Would not let me talk to my son unless it was on speaker phone. I had to catch him setting up an accident so he could get me locked up and keep my checks. It was then he told me, “I got rid of one of my wifes’ this way, and they never found the body.”
So, while he was setting up the ladder to falsify an accident, he confessed what he was doing, and I had the phone behind me, and it all went on my pastor’s answering machine. See even the pastor and his wife was convinced by this man until then. Once they heard it, they devised a plan for my escape that worked.
This man then stalked me and made crank phone calls to me. I had to move to where he could not find me. He later learned where I was, but the housing manager would not give him information on where I lived in the complex and it was too far for him to go without an alcoholic drink. Again, I was not evenly yoked. This time I was manipulated and lied too about it. I got an annulment due to this fact of being lied to and not being evenly yoked with him.
I will not go into what happened to this man, but I think it is described in my book, “Never Forsake God Delivered Me From Hopeless Situations.”
Last Marriage
Now my next marriage, I was also unevenly yoked but thought that I was evenly yoked. I believed that if he got his medication and stayed on it that he showed signs of being a believer. However, after the marriage his true beliefs came out. He was not saved and was someone who walked away from the faith early on. Needless to say, this marriage was a mistake from the start, and I was not evenly yoked.
I believe to this day that if I had dated and married a true believer, I would have survived anything with him. However, I dated and believed they would come to Christ due to my actions. The Bible is clear that we are not to believe ourselves so high and mighty but leave it to God to provide us our mates.
The sin was pride and not being discerning about what the repercussions of dating and marrying someone unevenly yoked. I should have taken heed. I now live a single life and while I made it to a fairly elevated position in the government working, I had a stroke and that stopped my career. However, I had one and it was always a desire. So, I was blessed with something I always wanted. Even though it was short lived. I also have an awesome son, and he did marry an evenly yoked woman. He took heed of the errors on my way. That is a huge blessing.
It is something I am so passionate about because I made an error and let my pride get ahead of my belief. Please if you are single and a believer, do not make this mistake. Let God guide your life. Read your Bible, go to church, listen to the elders who have been there and done that, and God forbid stay away for the unbelievers when looking for your partner.
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