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1st known Angel Encounter

One part of my book, I talk about an angel encounter. We must not focus on the Angel but the words that the angel spoke were words of God.” One day I learned that I had lost yet another baby. This was my seventh miscarriage, from a man I adored from work. He was unavailable and the perfect specimen to be a mother and not have to have a father. God says this is a sin. I had to learn the hard way. I went out and got exceptionally drunk; usually, it did not affect my going to work the next day. This time, it did. I called in sick the next day. It was a mixture of being sick from drinking and not being able to stop crying over the loss of another baby. This event would be life-altering and force me to face the bad choices I had been making. I would realize I needed to repent. However, it would take an act of God to bring me around.
Ever imagine how bad the situation must be for God to have to send an angel? I had fallen back into fornicating, drinking, still smoking, and even started dabbling in witchcraft with tarot cards with a witch.
One day, a man knocks on the door. I open it up. He was dressed in a nice suit, slender, with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He had a Bible in his hand and when I opened the door; he spoke to me by my name. I found it odd he was alone. When I was a child in Delray Beach, I would go out with the Baptist church members to houses on Saturday to give the gospel; we always went out in twos and threes, never alone. Even the cults, I won’t name names, never went out alone either. However, this man knew my name and had mesmerizing blue eyes.
We talked about how I was backsliding, and how worldly ideologies had affected my thinking, and he told me something that to me was profound. “Sherry, God will not bless you with a child when you are calling yourself a Christian and acting like the world. You must turn from your sin and get married. He will not allow you to have a child out of wedlock.”
It never dawned on me at the time I had to do it right when I saw others doing it wrong. They could be a mom. I just knew in my heart this man was telling me a truth that I knew deep inside. He answered multiple questions I had about conflicting views that had me angry at God, but it is the not allowing me to give birth to a baby that struck home for that was my heart’s desire. I wanted to have a child so someone would love me back”. (Never Forsaken God Delivered Me From Hopeless Situations, Sherry States) Iwanted to wait until later in my blogging to come to this situation I write about in my book. However, I woke up this morning, around 3:30 AM. The Lord does this often when he wants me to write something. I do most of my writing early in the morning when something has been put on my heart. I had to pray to write something in this book as part of an autograph for a very special lady at the church I attend. After praying and finding the verse I felt was given to me twice, I figured I am done and can go back to bed.
Wrong, a conversation I had earlier today about Angels came to mind. I was at a get-together, and I told this story above to a couple of people about God’s mighty words and how he will do miraculous things to bring us back into remembrance of his words, which are written on our hearts. It is not the angel we are to get all goose bumped about but the circumstances that led to needing an angel or a miraculous healing, a word spoken from someone that God gave them to give to us. We are to focus on the words of the Lord. Look and search the scriptures to know if these words are truly from God. Would he say that? Would he have some special reason to only allow me one child? Why did it have to be an angel you might ask? Well, because I am like so many head strong and will not listen to others.
I learned young to ask God for everything and not to rely too much on other people. Most of the time they let you down. Not because that is their intent but because it is human nature. We are headstrong and spiteful for the most part. God has to sharpen us in the iron, and we are tested.
He wants us to lean on him not on others and to come to him with all our concerns. Leave our carries and worries at the foot of the cross. I was not living that way. I was trying to do things my own way. I had forgotten some of the basic fundamentals of God. I still did not totally understand. I wrote on in my book about evenly yoked because the man I did find to marry me, I was not evenly yoked with. He was not saved. I could go more into that but not at this time. I had found a man to marry me to give me a child. I was blessed beyond measure with this child.
Now just before I got married me and my then boyfriend who became my husband had a miscarriage. Again, I was misbehaving. Oh, how I cried and remembered what that angel said to me. Yes, I believe the man was an Angel. He seemed to appear out of nowhere and disappeared as fast as he appeared.
Well, I got married and got pregnant within 2 weeks after my marriage.
I started having complications every week, ended up on bedrest from the 5th month on. I prayed and cried daily to the Lord to let me have this child and promised God as Hannah in Samuel promised God to give him back to the Lord.
He was four when he said the sinner’s prayer in his bedroom while doing his prayers for the night. Then he was 10 when he walked down the aisle with my brother. When you talk to him, I believe he will say that he did not fully surrender his heart to the Lord at those young ages, but he is a Godly man now who walks with the Lord, and I am proud of the young man he has become. He is raising his children to walk in the Lord, and he is married to a wonderful young lady who loves the Lord as well.
See my prayers were answered and God blessed me beyond anything I can ever speak. I was so lowly, so depressed, so beaten down by the world, but I got up, started reading my Bible again, got plugged into a church, and taught my son to see God in all the details, small and big. For God is always with us, we are his temple, meaning where we go so does he.
Just a part of the book I wanted to go more into depth with due to my reading of Hannah and her request to the Lord was similar to my request and to show, God really does answer prayers!
My greatest testimony to the Lord is my son and my second is my life’s story, I wrote here in my memoirs.
See, regardless of not marrying a saved man, God still blessed the act of getting married and trusting the Lord to have a child. Jake’s life was meant and God know him before he even formed him in my womb, Jeremiah 1:5-7 NKJV “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” I am not saying my son is a prophet, but I am saying, God knew my son when he sent that angel to me. He knew the path I was going to take. He knows the past, present, and future. He does not see them as we do, but on a timescale where he is able to see all. It was very important that I have my son.
I believe I could write a whole book just about how blessed I am and feel now that I turned my life around and finally surrendered it all to Jesus. Oh wait, I did write the book. “Never Forsaken God Delivered Me From Hopeless Situations”
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