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I lived in Hemlock, New York and graduated from Honeoye Central School in 1980. Many of the people from there will remember me as Sherry Spencer vs my actual legal name of States. I was not raised as States. Some know me as Sherry Codding and others think of me as the Robson’s sister, Sherry. I spent from ages 17 to 34 living in the area. Moving to Springwater after marrying my first husband. Therefore much of my book has things that happened to me during my time spent in this area. Hope to see some of the people I have known and meet in while running around this area. I will have some books on hand and will be doing a reading from my book prior to the book signing. On the events page it says the time is CDT but it is really EST. It shows EST when trying to update so not sure why it is still showing that.
Click the picture and sign up or if you don’t have Facebook then email me at and put in the subject line Honeoye.

Next on my New York book tour is to Annie’s Books and Beyond in Newark, NY. I went to college later in life when I moved back from California to the Finger Lakes Region. People from this group know me as Sherry Knight, my last marriage’s name. I graduated from Finger Lakes Community College with 3 associate degrees, and SUNY Empire State with my bachelors. Not bad for a dyslexic who had ADHD and could barely read the first year of college.
Annie will have books for me to sign while there. It is a meet the author event. Click the picture and sign up or if you don’t have Facebook then email me at and put in the subject line Annie’s Books and Beyond.

Next on my Stop is at the Wood Library in Canandaigua, NY where I earned many of my degrees and went to a church regularly. My son is from the Finger Lakes Area and I am happy to come home. To learn more please click the picture or contact me to send you a reminder to, put in subject line Wood Library.

Last stop in my New York tour is my home town. I call it home because my mom and dad meet here and this is where it all started for me. Many of my loved ones, cousins, are still there. Many cousins I have never meet are there.
I have fond memories of the Jamestown area and I am happy to be welcomes by the Predendergast Library in Jamestown, NY.
Please if you can buy your books earlier and bring them for me to sign. I will have some books with me but hopefully they will all be gone by the time I get to this library. I will gladly sign any of the books you bring. I will be doing a reading first, time of Q’s and A’s, and then book signing.
Any publication or announcement must have the following disclosure, “Permission to use a meeting room does not imply library endorsement of the views expressed, goals, policies, or activities of any group organization. The content of programs held in the meeting rooms has not been reviewed or approved by the library, and the organization booking the room is solely responsible for such content.” Please click on the picture and sign up so I have a head count or if you don’t use Facebook email me for a reminder at and put in the subject line, Jamestown.
Click the book to go to if you want to read the book before hands so you can ask me questions about it after it is read. I will still sign it.
There is a link to the kindle unlimited to the right side of the amazon screen.